Phineas and ferb free online kisscartoon
Phineas and ferb free online kisscartoon

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Doofenshmirtz and Gevaarlijk join Phineas and Ferb's group since they all have a common enemy. He blinks twice and turns to normal, revealing that the moustache was given to him by Mitch in order to control his mind. When this happens, she is electrocuted off and Meap hovers for a second. Suzy tackles Meap and repeatedly punches him, eventually knocking his moustache off. Mitch has Jerry attack Doofenshmirtz and Gevaarlijk while Isabella joins her group again. Doofenshmirtz sees Mitch with Jerry and gets mad at the fact that he stole Jerry too. The three spaceships arrive at Mars and each land. In the process, they accidently pick up Isabella, who they decide to escort (despite the fact that Gevaarlijk doesn't think it's very evil). Gevaarlijk admits that she is having fun and they take a spaceship parked out front. With the evil duo, they have destroyed several Bango-Ru dolls and are now escaping. He suggests they rebuild the Cuteness Tracker (again) to locate her and he and Ferb begin.

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Phineas quickly flings a parachute pack out after her and she uses it. Mitch bashes the heroes a couple of times, knocking Isabella off the ship. Suzy and Jeremy join them as Mitch, Meap, Jerry and Dennis chase in their own ship. Phineas and Ferb and the gang enter and help Candace escape in yet another shuttle. Suzy, sensing her brother is in danger, quickly attacks Mitch but ends up in a fight with Meap. Mitch gets angry and attacks Jeremy causing a fight. Jeremy, followed closely by Suzy, enters the convention and makes his objection while getting onstage. Meap, wearing a translator moustache, asks if anyone objects. It's revealed that this is Mitch and Candace's wedding. Louis, where Doofenshmirtz and Gevaarlijk start their reign of terror at a wedding held in a Bango-Ru Convention. Gevaarlijk reluctantly agrees only because that will allow her to continue to be bossy with him. Gevaarlijk reprimands him for continuing to try to be evil and Doofenshmirtz asks if she will be his assistant. However, only one guy pays attention: Dr. On the bus, Doofenshmirtz reveals his identity to the bus riders and asks for an assistant. Mitch snatches and smashes the phone and takes her inside the Bango-Ru Convention. Candace has used this time to use her phone, though who she called is unknown. In order to defeat Phineas and Ferb, Mitch uses his other assistant: Dennis the Dinosaur! The gang flee as Dennis tries to eat them, only succeeding in taking their transport. Baljeet reveals that he believes that Mitch is why Meap is acting so strangely and they follow Mitch, landing on a street next to a Bango-Ru Convention Mitch is about to enter. Phineas finds a sensor in the ship which reveals that Mitch's ship is in St. They fly away with Meap following them via jetpack. Phineas and Ferb and the gang have now arrived back outback and climb inside a shuttle left behind by Mitch. He decides to check out the bus and leaves Perry in DEI as Perry searches for an escape. Doofenshmirtz speaks into a microphone, revealing that he needs a new assistant and has been interviewing people. Doofenshmirtz tells him "he'll get the call in 2-12 weeks" and turns to Perry, trapping him in a soundproof capsule with a speaker in it.

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With Perry, he arrives at DEI to see Doofenshmirtz interviewing a random character. Mitch sends Jerry to kidnap Candace as Candace asks where Perry is.

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Candace breaks the fourth wall (How many best friends do you have to steal in a lifetime?), confusing Mitch. Mitch reveals his plan to kidnap Candace with help from his new partner: Jerry the Platypus! Candace mishears him, thinking he said "Perry the Platypus", but Mitch corrects her, revealing Jerry. She heads outside and sees Mitch's ship landing. Candace writes it down (a new dress, new shoes, a new purse, maybe a pedicure, ect.) and then hears an explosion outback. With Candace, Linda asks her to do a shopping list. The kids flee with Meap chasing them and Phineas remarks that something's wrong with Meap, causing a sarcastic remark from Buford. Meap gets out and pulls out a laser, walking towards Phineas and Ferb and the gang with it as his ship explodes. They all notice that it's heading straight towards them and flee. They hear a weird sound and Phineas points out Meap's ship about to land. Baljeet is upset that he only scored a 2 and Buford justifies it: he doesn't like Baljeet. They jump off a ramp and land in the backyard, where Buford is holding up a sign that reads "2". He asks if there's any more tension and Isabella applies it. It zooms over a little to show Baljeet waterskiing. Isabella turns around and asks if Baljeet's ok out there. Phineas, Ferb and Isabella are riding on a speedboat.

Phineas and ferb free online kisscartoon